The 4th Annual Anthem Awards Early Entry Deadline is May 24!


Anthem Blog

Anthem Club: Sierra Lindsey Kos, Executive Producer & Executive Creative Director

The Anthem Club is a professional networking and convening space for folks who work in the social impact community. Held by humans across non-profits and digital organizing, as well as journalists, documentary filmmakers, creatives and marketers, the Anthem Club is a digital and offline squad that comes together to share what’s working on the ground and inspire each other to build new dynamics for a better future.

Sierra Lindsey Kos is an Executive Producer and Executive Creative Director.

What is the role or project you have been a part of that you are most proud of? 

I was President Obama’s director and producer for the 2012 campaign. The magic I felt being in the presence of his greatness, it was unmatched. He got health care passed and represented such a vision of what goodness is possible in this country. Every piece of content, interview or shot I directed — I gave it my all and I’m still so thankful for that experience.

What advice would you give to young people who would like to pursue a career in social impact? 

Work or volunteer on the campaign of a person you believe in. There is no better way to immediately bond and become connected for a lifetime to some of the brightest and kindest humans who deeply care about leaving the world better than we came into it. You’ll make no money, work a million hours but it is the greatest of gifts.

What is your dream social impact project? 

We’re in this horrific moment that also presents a huge opportunity where extreme weather is now touching the lives of  so many Americans and so this once far off possibility is now at their front door. I’m working on a campaign that utilizes that specific tangible shift to move people — maybe even some Republicans — who were previously uninterested in climate change to now care, vote, and take action.

Patagonia – Don’t Buy This Jacket

Patagonia has put social impact at the core of their brand mission and values from the start, and their iconic Don’t Buy This Jacket campaign demonstrates how brands can use their platform to make an impact — or better yet, to help reduce our impact. This 2011 ad ran in the New York Times on Black Friday, making a lasting impression for its bold message addressing the issue of consumerism head on and asking readers to take the Common Threads Initiative pledge to reduce, repair, reuse, recycle, and reimagine a world where we take only what nature can replace.

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Ad Council’s Love Has No Labels Movement

Love Has No Labels is a movement by The Ad Council to promote diversity, equity and inclusion of all people across race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and ability.

Read our Q&A with Heidi Arthur, the Ad Council’s Chief Campaign Development Officer on the team behind LHNL collaborates with partners to combat implicit bias—from crafting PSAs to driving viewers to take action, to how brands and companies should approach corporate social responsibility with authenticity.

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